18 June 2016

Kenyataan Media PKAUM

Rumah Universiti, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03 -79677077
email: pkaum@um.edu.my    
Rujukan Kami : 006/PKAUM/14/16
Tarikh   : 17 JUN 2016

Beberapa penyelidik UM telah dituduh melakukan pengubahan kepada keputusan penyelidikan mereka di dalam beberapa penerbitan penyelidikan mereka (http://retractionwatch.com/2016/06/10/author-denies-accusations-of-blatantduplication/#more-41100). Lebih tepat lagi, mereka dituduh melakukan pengubahan imej pada keputusan penyelidikan mereka. PKAUM merasa amat gusar dengan pertuduhan ini.

Jika dakwaan itu terbukti benar, ianya adalah amat memalukan, bukan sahaja terhad kepada penulis yang tertuduh tetapi turut memberikan kesan yang negatif kepada reputasi Universiti Malaya. Manipulasi keputusan penyelidikan dianggap satu kesalahan yang amat serius dalam bidang akademik. Walau bagaimana pon, jika dakwaan tersebut didapati tidak berasas, tindakan susulan perlu diambil ke atas penuduh.

Melalui penubuhan panel penyiasatan seperti diumumkan, PKAUM menggesa pengurusan Universiti Malaya untuk menyiasat dakwaan tersebut dengan teliti serta telus. Nama baik mana-mana pihak yang tidak bersalah perlu dibersihkan. Pihak yang bersalah perlu didedahkan dan diberikan hukuman yang setimpal. Mudah-mudahan tindakan ini membawa keadilan kepada semua  dan mengembalikan kredibiliti kepada Universiti Malaya yang dicintai.  
Aznijar Bin Ahmad Yazid
Setiausaha PKAUM Sessi 14/16


A number of researchers affiliated with the University of Malaya has been accused of manipulating their research results in few publications (http://retractionwatch.com/2016/06/10/author-denies-accusations-of-blatantduplication/#more-41100). To be more precise, they were accused of duplication of images for their result. PKAUM view this with great concern. 

If the allegations are proven true, it would mean a great shame, not only limited to the authors but also impacts the University of Malaya. Manipulation of result is considered a major academic offence, a travesty in the noble profession. However, if the allegations are proven false, actions need to be initiated against the accuser. 

With the formation of an inquiry panel announced, PKAUM urges the management of the University of Malaya to investigate the allegations thoroughly and without favours. The good names of any innocent parties must be restored. Any guilty ones should be exposed and punished. Hopefully this action would restore justice and brings back some credibility to the blessed and beloved University of Malaya.      

Aznijar Bin Ahmad Yazid  
PKAUM Session 2014/16 Secretary

Kenyataan Media GERAK, 17 Jun 2016



email: akademikmalaysia@gmail.com
Member of Education International since 2009


Pergerakan Tenaga Akademik Malaysia (GERAK) menyokong kenyataan Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik Universiti Malaya (PKAUM) mengenai tuduhan manipulasi hasil penyelidikan terhadap beberapa orang ahli penyelidik Universiti Malaya baru-baru ini.

Sebarang manipulasi hasil penyelidikan seperti memodifikasikan imej, adalah satu perbuatan tidak beretika yang amat berat. Boleh dianggap sebagai satu jenayah akademik.

Bagaimanapun perbuatan seperti ini bukanlah sesuatu diluar jangkaan. Para akademik dan penyelidik di universiti, terutama di universiti penyelidikan, adalah di dalam keadaan tertekan untuk menghasilkan makalah yang boleh menaikan ranking universiti. Bilangan yang diperlukan untuk pengesahan, kenaikan pangkat dan KPI asyik bertambah.

Pihak pengurusan Universiti Malaya mesti menyiasat sepenuhnya tuduhan ini. Pelaku mestilah dihukum tetapi yang tidak bersalah mestilah dilindungi. Maruah dan nama baik, bukan sahaja Universiti Malaya tetapi juga universiti-universiti Malaysia, bergantung kepada hasil siasatan ini. Untuk memberi keyakinan terhadap hasil penyelidikan, siasatan hendaklah dijalankan secara telus dan terbuka.

Pihak pengurusan universiti-universiti Malaysia mesti dedahkan staf mereka kepada konsep-konsep etika dan hak akademik. Para staf mesti berpegang teguh kepada integriti akademik yang tinggi. Ianya terlalu kompleks dan tidak boleh belajar sendiri. Bagi mana-mana pihak memerlukannya, GERAK amat sedia memberi bantuan. Memang menjadi perjuangan GERAK untuk mempertahankan hak akademik dan menegakkan integriti akademik.

Dikeluarkan bagi pihak GERAK oleh
Rosli H Mahat, Setiausaha,
17 Jun 2016


The Malaysian Academics Movement (MOVE) endorsed the statement made by the University of Malaya Academic Staff Association (PKAUM) on the recent allegation of research result manipulation by several researchers at the University of Malaya.

Any manipulation of research result including modifying images is seriously unethical. It could be considered as an academic crime.

However, such disgraceful act is not something unexpected. The university academics and researchers, especially those in the research universities, are always under pressure to produce papers to improve the university ranking. The numbers required for confirmation, promotion or KPI are always increasing.

The University of Malaya management must thoroughly investigate this allegation. The culprits must be punished but those who are innocent must be exonerated and protected. The honor and good name of not just the University of Malaya but also of Malaysian universities are dependent on the result of this investigation. The investigation must be transparent and open in order to provide confidence in the result of the investigation.

The management of Malaysian universities must expose their staff to the various concepts of academic ethics and rights. The staff must have a high level of academic integrity. It is too complex and cannot be self-taught.  If required, MOVE is ever willing to assist. It has been the struggle of MOVE to defense academic rights and to uphold academic integrity.   

Issued on behalf of MOVE by

Rosli H Mahat, Secretary

07 June 2016

Should intellectuals engage with the public?


Besides offering commentary on society and making knowledge accessible and relevant to the public, academics must be actively engaged with the communities and societies they are in. Knowledge has the potential to influence society and make changes. Universities should never again be ‘Ivory Towers’, with little relevance to the ‘real’ world.