This year, Education International celebrates its 20th anniversary. Since its founding in 1993, EI has grown to be the voice for the teaching profession worldwide, representing today over 30 million educators, from early childhood to university, through about 400 member organisations in 171 countries. EI advocates for quality education for all and for improving professional standards, and the status of teachers and their rights. EI also advocates for human rights and equality for all girls and boys, women and men.
As we celebrate Education International’s 20th Anniversary, we are pleased to announce an EI study fellowship for PhD or post-doctoral scholars. The study fellowship will be funded through the Mary Futrell Scholarship Fund, which was created in honour of EI’s founding President.
The study fellow will undertake research investigating education and teacher policy and practice worldwide with a focus on an assessment of Education for All (EFA) and education Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including achievements and challenges, with a view to informing the post-2015 development and education agenda.
A scholarship stipend of up €40 000 will be offered to a PhD candidate or post-doctoral fellow enrolled in a recognised higher education institution for a period of up to two years. The study fellow may spend part of their time at the EI headquarters in Brussels and be attached to the EI Research Institute and/or the Education and Employment Unit. EI’s official languages are English, French, Spanish and German. The working language of the EI Secretariat is English.
Successful applicants will have a successful research record and demonstrated competence in one or more of the following areas:
· International comparative education
· Education management, policy and planning
· School and teacher leadership
· International development and education
Interested candidates who meet the above criteria should submit their CV along with a covering letter detailing their qualifications and research experience to:
Education International
Attention: Mr Dennis Sinyolo, EI Senior Coordinator, Education and Employment
5bd du Roi Albert 11
1210 Brussels
The closing date is 15 July 2013. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.